Planning and scheduling system for pre-cut lids and shrink sleeves

  • 29 maart 2016

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Preactor APS LogoInvestment in a new planning and scheduling tool – Preactor – at our Bury site is proving very successful. Clondalkin Flexible Packaging Bury (formerly Chadwicks) is the UK’s leading manufacturer of pre-cut lids and innovative shrink sleeves. Implementation of the world leading Preactor system enables the team at Bury to:

  • View customer orders, capacity and material availability in an instant.
  • Guarantee quick and reliable deliveries to our customers. This also includes reacting faster to changes required by our customers.
  • Schedule people, time and resources to meet customer demands.
  • React quickly to any unexpected production issues and supply constraints.

The Preactor tool has been integrated into the site’s existing business management software (ERP system) and is proving a great asset throughout the business. Using its visual planning board we can keep everyone accurately informed about order status and improve the service we offer our customers.

Following this success at Clondalkin Flexible Packaging Bury we plan to roll out the Preactor tool to all other sites in the Clondalkin Group worldwide.